Beach "Ujung Genteng " Beautiful Beach and Fun

Ujung Genteng " is a beach located on the southern coast of West Java , precisely in the District Ciracap , Sukabumi district with a distance of about 220 kilometers from the capital Jakarta , or 230 kilometers from the city of Bandung . And It takes about six or seven hours away by car .

Coastal Edge tiles have a common characteristic , however, is much different when compared to the coastal ports queen who often vulnerable victims in claims because the waves are malignant .

Although the beach end of the tile has big waves but not endangering travelers who like to play around in the sea . The first major wave of rupture unobstructed ocean reefs . So we can enjoy nature with beautiful beaches , safe , and comfortable .

Children can swim and dive in the sea with calm and look at a set of colorful fish on the sidelines of the stone , which shows how he is a natural marine environment Edge tiles .

Therefore it is appropriate that the beach at the end tiles is crowned as one of the most pristine beaches and beautiful .

There we can go to the fish market , where we can choose the type of fresh seafood catches of the fishermen . You could possibly imagine , including a live lobster , snapper , king prawns , shrimp , mussels , clams , oysters , etc. .

Everything we can get at fast food restaurants across the street - side around the fish market . Everything is provided for tourists visiting the beautiful beaches .

On the Edge Tile itself there are many places of interest , such as a direct view of green turtles ( Chelonia mydas ) in Pangumbahan beach .

There is also a location where we could surf the waves were quite challenging which is known as the " seven waves " . This location is a favorite area for tourists to the sport of surfing .

According to local people , so-called " seven waves " because the waves are always consecutive seven waves and always great . For those who like fishing , there is a suitable place where the fish are many and varied .

At one point in a certain area , we can really see the beauty of the glory of the Creator of this by looking at the sunrise and sunset .

There are also the ruins of an old fort in Japan one of the beaches , in the midst of white , powdery sand and crystal clear turquoise waters .

In addition to natural attractions , Ujunggenteng also has attractions in the form of palm sugar making process by local communities very simple way of processing . By installing the bowl to accommodate the liquid from coconuts and flowers , then cooked in a large pot , then printed with a piece of bamboo that is larger than the size of the palm sugar in the market .

Sightseeing in the area around the famous Edge tiles with his turtle was sngat incredible .

We can watch the turtles lay their eggs on the beach at night , some nice waterfalls , and Seven Waves ( Seven Waves ) surfing resort .

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